Excalibur  Excalibur  Excalibur

Full Name: Excalibur Pallas MerVian
<ex-CAL-i-bur PAL-las mehr-VEE-ihn>
Birthday: ??? (Celebrated on March 14)
Age: Unknown (Believed to be at least 200 years old, older than his sister, Illumina)
Gender: Male
Race: Human?
Hair: Spectralprismatic (multicolored)
Eyes: Light Green
Height: 6 feet 0 inches
Weight: 140 pounds
Hobbies: Formulating theorems, creating new inventions in his lab, performing experimentations in his lab, and countless other hobbies that he does not expose to the public.
Likes: Showing off his new inventions to the public, and explaining various theorems he has formulated over time.
Dislikes: Anyone that insults his friends, and especially those who insult him, his friend Ragnarok, or his sister Illumina.
Weaknesses: Any type of Demonic magic, due to his species.
Best Hand: Ambidextrous (can use both hands equally well)
Attunement: Holy
Weapons: Excalibur has no weapons. He prefers to use his telekinetic abilities instead.
Powers: Excalibur has a seemingly endless amount of knowledge (a lot of it being scientific), knows every language within the known Universe (and if he doesn't, he learns it quickly), and has the ability of telekinesis (used mostly for levitating or shielding certain objects).
Possessions: A giant floating laboratory that hovers over the Kingdom of Windor's Tavern; a palmtop in his lab coat that is connected to the vast network of computers in his lab; his glasses, which are [wirelessly] wired into his palmtop for various uses; his lab coat, which is invulnerable to the effects of any type of radiation; countless numbers of devices back at his lab.
Personality: Excalibur is nonjudgmental of people, believing that everyone is equal. He explains any device he creates in basic layman's terms to people who do not understand scientific jargon, in that same scientific jargon to those that do.
Origins: His true origins are unknown, but he is the brother of Illumina. He became friends with Ragnarok after freeing Ragnarok from his Magicite prison, and they have traveled together ever since, eventually meeting up with Excalibur's sister, Illumina, who joined them along the way. His wacky hairstyle and hair color, not to mention his telekinetic abilities, resulted from a freak accident in his lab when working with his SpectralPrismatic Laser Cutter and an early version of the Dimensional Transportation System.
Quote: "When referring to the area of a circle, 'Pi r squared'. This is only true, however, if you are referring to the symbol known as Pi. If you are referring to the edible foodstuff known as pie, however, it is round. If you refer to a pie using the equation above, you are incorrect for two reasons: One, for all practical purposes, a pie cannot be round, and two, you are violating subject-verb agreement. It would be 'A pie is round'. The easiest way to remember this is that a pie is round, and Pi r squared. By the way...Have I been talking too much?"

Known Magic Types
Magic Type Experience
Holy 100%
Curative 100%
Time/Space 90%
Poisonous 25%

Ragnarok's Bio
Illumina's Bio
Artwork of the Trio

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