Ragnarok  Ragnarok  Ragnarok

Full Name: Ragnarok Armageddon Gotterdammerung
<rag-NAH-rock AHR-muh-ged-uhn goht-ehr-DEHM-ehr-oohn>
Birthday: ??? (Celebrated on April 27)
Age: Unknown (Believed to be at least 1000 years old...Rumored to be as immortal as Time itself...)
Gender: Male
Race: Esper
Hair: Golden Blonde
Eyes: Sapphire Blue
Height: 6 feet 4 inches (In human form)/7 feet 0 inches (As Esper)
Weight: 168 pounds (In human form)/231 pounds (As Esper)
Hobbies: Anything that he can find to do in his spare time...
Likes: Being with his friends (and especially his fianceé, Illumina).
Dislikes: Anyone that insults his friends, and especially those who insult him, his friend Excalibur, his fianceé Illumina, or any of his Esper kindred.
Weaknesses: Completely having his Magic Energy drained — Since he is a creature of pure magic, if he is drained of all of his Magic Energy, he will become unconscious. If he is not given an MP-restoring item quickly, he could die from the lack of Magic Energy.
Best Hand: Left
Attunement: (No Attunement)
Weapons: Ragnarok has no weapons as an Esper. In his human form, he only has one weapon: a sword that looks exactly like his Esper form, harboring his very essence (also called by his name, Ragnarok).
Powers: Ragnarok can use any magic that he has learned over time (not just Ultima), but it is not as powerful if he is in his human form; his only useful ability in human form is mindspeaking with others of his kindred. However, his true Esper form, he has quite a few powers: his truly unique ability to rearrange the atoms of an object into a completely different object (MetaMorph); his trademark spell, Ultima, which disrupts time and space at the very point where it is cast, causing mortal damage to anything in its path; his ability to learn legendary spells, even those lost in the sands of time (e.g. Meteo); Armageddon, which combines the powers of Meteo and Ultima into one deadly attack; Judgment Day, in which the target's own molecular structure breaks down, killing it instantly.
Possessions: (No Possessions)
Personality: Unlike what most people would expect from his Norse-derived name (and what this Esper is, when in his true form), he is not an apocalyptic soul who is in the form of a sword. In fact, he is usually kindhearted to most people (especially his own friends) and has taken a human form. But, he does live up to his name — Those who have fought with him before [and survived] know just how powerful he is...
Origins: Ragnarok supposedly came from an apocalyptic place in the space-time continuum itself. No one knows how he escaped it and made it here, but the most accurate story of his origin is that when he escaped a place known only as the Fourth Dimension, he somehow landed on a life-filled planet...Where he landed was where a great war was taking place (The War of the Magi; the leaders of this war had the power to change creatures into Espers; this explains Ragnarok's species). After the war ended and the world [eventually] came to peace, a freak of nature occurred: Part of the space-time continuum had come apart, opening dimensions to other places, planets, even times—and Ragnarok was pulled into it. He has now ended up in the Kingdom of Windor, searching for his Esper kindred, who may have been pulled through these dimensional portals in other parts of his world, and finding things to do in his spare time. He had found that two of his familiar friends are living at Windor for the time being, after their travel from one of the portals. They are Excalibur, a superintelligent being, and also Ragnarok's best friend, and Illumina, Ragnarok's strong and beautiful fiancée. He is also a friend to Skyler, a risk-taking adventurer, and also of the Esper kindred.
Quote: "The Apocalypse is imminent...You do not know when it will come, as it has repeated through the course of history...Through past...present...and ultimately, in the future..."

Known Magic Types
Magic Type Experience
Legendary 100%
Osmotic 100%
Time/Space 80%
Atomic 75%
Fire 60%
Lightning 40%
Wind 30%
Earth 15%

The Ragnarok MIDI was created by JeffreyAtW.

Excalibur's Bio
Illumina's Bio
Artwork of the Trio

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