What's Old? (Update List #1)

This page can be summed up in three words... an update archive.

Update List #2

Saturday, May 29th--JeffreyATW here! I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is: Serpent, you accidentally erased my latest update! And the good news: to make up for it, I accidentally overwrote your song, Aeris, and put my summary in instead. Oh well...

  • First off, for some reason, Serpent didn't put in his two other parodies, Turk Up Your Life or Ode To Luna on his Songs page, so I did it for you. Bua ha ha ha ha.

  • Second, uh, off, I added a nifty title image to (and updated) my IAQ, with a drawing I made of the three main characters. If you're wondering what Serpent looks like, this is the place to be...

  • Finally, for the MIDI of the Day, and for no reason at all, I made a remix of Steve Caires's Sounds from HELL.

  • This isn't really an update, but just saying that I finally beat FF7. I didn't even use Knights of Round to my advantage!

Tuesday, May 23rd--Hey-hey! Ahhhh...I haven't said that in a while. Anyways, here's another update for Midgar Swamp fans (that is, if I have any) to munch on. Mmm...updates...*drools*

  • FINALLY, I added a new song to the Songs page. BTW, "Aeris" is intentionally spelled like that, so it corresponds to the original song better (Iris). Everybody knows that it's really "Aerith", though. If you're a Cosmo Canyon fan, that is...

  • Another roleplay for you, uh, roleplaying fans has been added.

  • Links and Add-Ons have been updated, because goshspoonit, it's the right thing to do. Don't Go There has a new design, as if anybody cares. It's still a hole in one, though!

  • Has anybody else noticed that the poll is malfunctioning? I'll have to see to that...

  • On a slightly sadder note: Owen Hart, you will be greatly missed from all of us, and I will never forget the name of the Blue Blazer. The incident that took place on Sunday was the most tragic event ever to take place in the history of the WWF, and shook up all fans around the world. I pray for your family, and wish you all the best. Let's all have a moment of silence for Owen, shall we? Be serious, please. 

    Thanks. As a tribute, I've put Owen's music as the MIDI of the Day. Rest in peace.

Thursday, May 20th--Hellloooo! La la la! Ah, I love Seinfeld...Okay, here goes:

  • Justin McNeil (AKA That Guy Who Wrote The Wrestling Fic and The AIW Prez) has ever-so-dutifully written his own IAQ! *makes cheering crowd noise* And I'm in it! *makes louder crowd noise* And so is a sploit sandwich at the beginning! *makes crowd whimper*

  • While we're on the subject, Jeff, like the spoony bard that he is, criticized me for my Pt. Reyes update, so he updated his IAQ just to spoon me up! BTW, the IAQ's getting bigger! Ah, forget I said that and just go to

  • The Links, which have been infentecimally (sic?!) updated once more! Be SURE to visit ScoopTHIS, as it's truly innovative and hilarious. Wait, I just gave you the update there.

  • Coming soon...maybe by the end of the millenium...a new fanfic by me! Finally! And I'm thinking about a contest that has a preview as the prize or something, but I can't think of a topic for the contest. Hmm...I'll think about it. Maybe I'll make a poll concerning it.

  • Oh, and on the topic of polls...Please vote in mine! I don't want to put up "nooD pix uV tifa eehhheheehhehehehhhehhhh!!!!!!!" on an E-rated site!

Oh, and you could sign the guestbook, too...

Monday, May 17th--Serpent231 here. Okay, by now, you're probably all wondering "Do hedgehogs eat lard?"--er, I mean "Where the $&#@#^ is the  *^#&@ update already?!", as this place hasn't had one since...well, the last update. All right, here're my excuses:

  1. I still have homework to catch up on from the Washington DC trip (it was worth it, though!), and that, along with the regular schoolwork (and an all day canoe trip on Saturday), hasn't helped much.

  2. My spoony computer has been screwing up lately, and it won't even turn on properly. When you turn it on, all that shows is a blank screen. Then you press reset, but nothing changes. You have to repeat this until it begins to work, or just hit the computer, and it might turn on right. My dad and I have absolutely no idea why it does this.

  3. And while we're on that same subject, CuteFTP, for some reason, says my password to login to Tripod is wrong, and it won't connect to my account, so I haven't been able to download Jeff's updated stuff and start working on my own updates. When I try to do it online, though, I can access all the files. Of course, I haven't had time to do the online editing until now. It's a lot slower, anyways, but I guess I can adjust (or try a new FTP client).

  4. I haven't been working on the updates offline because most of my time was devoted to Pt. Reyes: The Game. I finally finished another chapter, fortunately.

Okay, with all that out of the way, I've finally managed an update! Here goes...

  • As I just said, Pt. Reyes has FINALLY been updated. I know you people were all waiting for this one (yeah, right). It's my favorite chapter, actually..

  • Most notably, Jeff, like the kind-hearted soul that he is, has made a logo for each page. Eat this, Cosmo Canyon! Er...sorry. I apologize, Fritz. The Dullard have mercy! Please forgive me! *sobs*

  • Not that anybody cares (or can see it), but I've added a huge META tag to the front page. Check it out if you're as bored as I am!

  • Along with that (and on the same note), I finally put up a disclaimer on the front page. WHEEEE!!

  • Just a quick note: I've quit E-wrestling for good (although I'll still add stuff to the section), so now I'll have less stuff on my hands. And throw that thought in the trash burner! Sigh...too much Don't Go There influence. BTW, Serpent only lost two matches.

  • I realize that I tried to change the poll offline, and that didn't work at all, since the poll server doesn't know I edited it. Now it's functioning just fine, so go and vote!

  • On the same subject that the poll covers, the owner of the Totally Yummy Homepage, signer of my guestbook, and huge Cosmo Canyon fan, Lady Marrah, has agreed to become a staff member for this site! Unfortunately, she said that it won't be till the 28th (I forgot why, cause I'm a spoony bard).

  • Additionally, I sent IcyBrian, the webmaster of the unhealthily big site, IcyBrian's Homepage, a message asking if it's okay to put some of his stuff on my site. I'll give him credit, of course, and I hope he agrees, since those lists he makes have made me laugh almost as hard as Fritz Fraundorf and CRZ's stuff. Not as much, of course, but...

  • I realize all this has been news and not updates, so here's more of what you saw the last time!

  • Add Ons updated! Sploit!

  • 231 Sightings updated! Is it growing on you yet?

  • Links updated! Be sure to check out the Daravon Fan Club!

Well, that's it for today! Come again!

Tuesday, May 11th--I'm baaaack from DC, and it kicked spum! As you've probably guessed, it's Serpent231, and I'm NOT talking in the 3rd person any more--it works in games, but not in conversation! Well, excluding the Rock...ANYways, I've got a few things to update, so let me first take you to

  • The Add Ons! They've been updated! Don't go there! Ah, I've said that before..

  • And an Add Ons update without 231 Sightings is like a dance floor without me! Wait, that didn't sound as good.

  • Onto the meat (drag that thought out onto the street, and shoot it!): One of the best reasons to visit the almighty Cosmo Canyon is up! The Yuffie Conspiracy Theory Page!! I won't give much away, so just go there and accept the facts! BTW, this was once the sister site of CC...

  • Links updated with...well, you do the math.

  • Finally, The Fraundorf of Recapping, CRZ, has had all the greatest moments, remarks, and momorable quotes of his recapping career put up on Wrestlemaniacs.com. If you haven't read any of his stuff yet, this compilation is just what you need to get started in worshipping him, along with a few less calories from laughing.

Sunday, May 9th--Hey, JeffreyATW here. Happy Mother's Day! Seems Serpent231 isn't back yet. Oh well...

  • I deleted Blue and Green from the Misc. Stuff page, because it's already in the MIDI Archives page. Sorry to do that, Serpent231, but what can you do about it? You're in Washington D.C.! Nothing gets accomplished there!

  • I changed my info a tad on the Staff page.

Saturday, May 8th--Bonjour! JeffreyATW est ici. Je suis desolee que je n'ai pas actualise la page d'internet recemment, parce que Serpent231 est sur une voyage d'ecole a Washington D.C. Je parle francais parce que je vais a la Paris pour l'ete, et Serpent231 et moi avons etudie francais pour deux anees.
Translation: Hello! JeffreyATW here. I'm sorry that I didn't update the site recently, because Serpent231 is on a school trip to Washinton D.C. I'm speaking French because I'm going to Paris for summer, and Serpent231 and I have been studying French for two years.

  • Anyway, even though it's been a long time, I've just got a small update. But it's interesting for me... I made a new midi! It's Millenium by Robbie Williams, and it's Midi of the Day.

  • I've been updating my IAQ, just in small segments. I'm not gonna really inform in the What's New section what I've done to it, because I just do small changes to it when I have the time.

Monday, May 3rd--Well, Serpent's finally gotten around to updating the site! Does he HAVE to talk in the third person now? Aww...

  • That danged Wild Arms review is finished! Check it out, and buy the game!

  • And also, Serpent finished writing Friday Night FEAR for the AIW! It's shut down now, so this is the last thing to remember the fed by...*sniff*

  • Jeff updated the Miller Creek RPG IAQ (sorta) with a couple paragraphs. Hey, he edits it online, so...

  • On a fanfic-related note, here's a short one in the form of a Match You Thought You'd Never See, by the owner of the (sniff) now-dead AIW. Only rasslin' fans will get all the jokes. It's not exactly Fraundorf, but it's pretty funny!

  • Blue and Green has been added to the Misc. Stuff page, so you can hear it without having to go to What's Old...

  • And finally, on a much more important note (no pun intented), Serpent's added a new fanfic by Fritz Fraundorf: BLUE AND GREEN!! This is one of Fritz's earlier ones, but it's still one of his favorites, and I'm sure you'll laugh out loud when you read it. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 30th--JeffreyATW AND Serpent231 here, sorry we haven't updated in a while, though we ARE going to have some big things coming up soon.

  • JeffreyATW started an IAQ! It's on our school, Miller Creek.

  • Jeff also smoothed out the face of Serpent231 on the front page.

  • Coming soon... a new Friday Night FEAR card! An update to Pt. Reyes IAQ! Two new MIDI's! That friggin' Wild Arms review! Only at the MIDGAR SWAMP!

Sunday, April 25th--I think this is the only occurrence where my update is smaller than Jeff's. That spoony bard!

  • Okay, down to beezinez (whatever THAT means): I've written another card for the AIW, and in my (and most of the other e-rasslers') opinion(s), it's pretty cool. Check it out if you haven't already read it (that is, if you're from that fed), or if you're bored.

  • If you've just gone there, you'll probably notice that the AIW has muzak! Er, music! It's pretty cool, and earns the right to be MIDI O' the Day!

  • On a related (if you read the previous bulleted line) note, Add Ons have been updated. Don't go there!

  • Thanks to contributors, I've received a few, well, contributions! 231 Sightings has been updated, along with Reviews. And BTW, I have started the Wild Arms review. Nyah!

  • Speaking of reviews, you may have noticed that there was a Review Form added to the bottom, but I forgot to FTP the actual file. Spoony me. Anyways, now it's up, and you can write your own reviews!

Saturday, April 24th--JeffreyATW is present. Spring cleaning! Just erasing and correcting some random junk...

Thursday, April 22nd--Hellllllllllllllllllo. Serpent231 here, and I've just got some great news: A fellow e-wrestler likes this site, and has decided to start contributing! Yahoo! All right!

  • Those danged Add-ons have been added on to. By the way, did you like the Don't Go There sound effect? I thought so.

  • And to start, I'll post his first review to the site: One for Romance of the 3 Kingdoms 4! Stussy: Huh, huh...romance...huh, huh, huh...                                                               Shute up, stupid!

  • And on a related note, a final version of the MST has been uploaded!

  • I had another this weekend, so you can read it if you're interested.

  • Time for a roleplay! This one's in MST format, so most of the jokes have already been said. Hey, the e-wrestlers haven't heard them before!

  • My poll's finally been changed. This one concerns MIDIs, so go and vote!

  • Jeff sez: There's no real update today, just noting that the MIDI of the Day is by my sister! It's kinda dumb! Listen to it anyway! Bye!

Tuesday, April 20th--Sorry for the lack of updates; this has been one of my busiest weeks yet. I've had to become the Prez of an e-fed, I had to write a card (that's the night of rasslin', for those who don't understand), I had this research notetaking on the White House this weekend, there was a ton of e-mail, I had to roleplay some more...you get the picture. Anyways, heeeeere's the update, with three big items!

  • As I've stated earlier, I wrote a card! No, it ain't for any special occasion, but it IS for the AIW, as I've become president (don't worry, I don't have to do much, except write a card every week). It took me a long time, so please check it out if you're bored, okay?

  • Oh, yeah. The MST's done. Yippee. No, wait, I mean...THE MST'S DONE! WHOOO HOO! YESSS!! It should appeal to rabid Pokemon fans everywhere. Well, the fanfic won't but...It's done! And I haven't started my Wild Arms review yet!

  • Finally, I've added an Untitled (it doesn't need one) sound to this site that will forever deem this place as "sick, dude!", since it's composed by my nameless disgusting friend, who's obsessive-compulsive behavior causes him to feel it necessary to make these odd, revolting, yet squishy sound effects every friggin' day at school in an attempt to be funny. He was trying to make it sound like the first part of Don't Go There, and I have to admit, he succeeded! Take a note that all these sounds are compiled from SimCopter!

Thursday, April 15th--Bonjour! Allo! Salut! Just have something quick to say before I get into the update rundown: READ BEATH OF FLAMS ALREADY! Mmm...beathy! Thank you.

  • I've added a new FAQ to this ever-growing page (yeah, right ^_^): Cedric "Lobsterboy" Henry's hilarious Um Jammer Lammy FAQ! For the Unenlightened, Um Jammer is the sequel to PaRappa. Um-cut! Um-censored! Um Jammer!

  • The almighty (and downright disgusting) Add-Ons have been updated! Thanks to Angel of Death for an add-on to Don't Go There (ugghhh...).

  • A new roleplay! Let us uh, rejoice..

  • Updated the mindblowingly, uh, coincidental 231 Sightings.

  • Don't forget to vote in my all new Web Poll! C'mon, 231 needs some more respect!

  • Couple announcements: One, I'm sorry that I haven't put up my Wild Arms review yet; I just haven't had any time. And two: visit Cosmo Canyon before it dies again (have I made a point yet?)!

  • Hey, what the--oh, no...IT'S BACK! Too many chocolates for me, too. DOT, GO HOME! ARE YOU TOO GOOD FOR YOUR HOME? THE HOLE IS YOUR HOME!! Ah, too much Happy Gilmore...

Tuesday, April 13th-- JeffreyATW again... this update is so small it doesn't deserve a dot. The only thing is that I made a new Song. It's called Materia Girl, by Yuffie Kisaragi.

  • <-- Hey, what's this dot doing here? It shouldn't be here!! GO AWAY, stupid dot! Sorry, too many Belgian chocolates. Mmm... chocolat>Hey, what's this dot doing here? It shouldn't be here!! GO AWAY, stupid dot! Sorry, too many Belgian chocolates. Mmm... chocolate...

Monday, April 12th--It's-a Gowdey-o, and I just wanted to say that if you click the link Jeff gave you, you'll open up a frame within this frame. Still, just GO TO COSMO CANYON (http://www.cosmocanyon.net) NOW!! Who cares if it's not being updated anymore? It's still THERE, isn't it? Just go!! Shoo! Begone! Oh, the update. Right.
  • Since Cosmo Canyon is back, I managed to bootl--er, "salvage" some of Fritz Fraundorf's best and put it up here in case the site gets 404-ed again for no apparent reason (hey, it came back for no apparent reason, didn't it?). Now, now, I remember Fritz saying on his Page FAQ that it's okay to put his stuff on another site--just give him credit for it. Okay, here. Ya happy now?

  • Anyway, here's Fritz's pride and joy, Beath of Flams! This is the granddaddy (how DO you spell that, anyway?) of IAQs, and makes Pt Reyes look like an Ace Hall fic. Juthd read it (or what you can--it is 400k+)! And that'th prounounthed "Beeth", not "Beth", you thee. Do you underthtand THAT?

  • Links updated with the almighty COSMO CANYON and the gut-busting final fantasy 9!!!!!!!!! site.

  • Web poll changed, so you might as well go and vote! The last voting ended with 4 people saying that my site is funny, and two lukewarm about it. Hey, it's a start.

  • Jeff informed me that the information in his Pokemon guide doesn't work. Well, don't worry. He'll never live to see his next birthday.

Sunday, April 11--Jeffrey here, with the smallest update I've ever done, but one of the most important, too. It can be summed up in 3 words...

Saturday, April 10--Jeffrey here, small update here also.

  • SOMEBODY (hack, cough, *JAMES*, cough) took my song off the Songs page... I put it back on.

  • I truncated the What's New section, you can see previous updates here.

  • Yet another fabulous midi! Yes, I've done it, this time... I've made the... POKÉMON OPENING BATTLE THEME!!! It sounds just like the original, too! It took me 1 minute to make! It's also MIDI of the Day!

Thursday, April 8--Well, I've run out of things to say. Nooooo!! They're all gonna laugh at me!

  • I've updated the infamous Tekken 3 Wrestling FAQ. Read it, or suffer the consequences.

  • Another rasslin' match. But this time...I LOST! Nooooo!! They're all gonna laugh at me!

  • Add-Ons page updated. Is anybody surprised?

  • In case you haven't checked out any of CRZ's reports, I've got a link to his latest one right here! Trust me, this is one of his better ones, and even if you aren't exactly into wrestling, there are still some great parts in it that even you'll think are funny. What are you waiting for? Go! Shoo! Get out!

  • According to my *chorus* Handy Dandy Web Poll, 3 people STILL think my site is funny! Whoo hooo! Yesss!

Monday, April 5th--Sorry, I've been caught up with other stuff these days (namely my new game, Wild Arms, and the usual). Jeff saved me yesterday, though. Mwaha haa..staff members..

  • 231 Sightings updated with (OH MY GOD!) a couple more sightings.

  • E-Wrestling updated with a roleplay and another match against JEKEL, someone who thinks having a name in caps is cool.

  • According to my handy dandy web poll, THREE whole people are positive that this site is funny! Heck, yes!

  • Coming soon: The MST (I think Jeff and I decided not to have Max's version in, since he still doesn't have the fic) and a review of Wild Arms, one of the coolest RPGs yet. Check out the MIDI of the Day to see why I love this game so much.

Sunday, April 4th--Hey, hey, hey! Guess who? No, it's not James, it's-a-me, Jeffrey! Contrary to popular belief, I'm not dead, and I didn't make that sick Add-On! Just have a small update, though.

  • I made a new midi file! First, there was One Week, which was mediocre, then came Baby One More Time, which was much better, now there's my latest one, Why Don't You Get A Job by the Offspring, which, if I take a quote from my good friend the Name Rater, is "truly impeccable"!

  • I added a little multimedia into the 231 Sightings.

  • I added some buttons to the menu.

  • Being the egotistical little poo that I am, I put my new midi as the Midi of the Day.

Wednesday, June 2nd--JeffreyATW here! I've got more good news and bad news. The good news: Only 7 more days of school left! The bad news: Serpent's computer went kablooey (metaphorically). So, he gave me a piece of paper (no computer involved, WOW!) and told me what to do. The list goes:

That's it for today! Oh, wait, wait, don't go there-- I mean, yet! I made a nifty little logo for Serpent! Here it is, in five different sizes:





Saturday, May 29th--JeffreyATW here! I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is: Serpent, you accidentally erased my latest update! And the good news: to make up for it, I accidentally overwrote your song, Aeris, and put my summary in instead. Oh well...

  • First off, for some reason, Serpent didn't put in his two other parodies, Turk Up Your Life or Ode To Luna on his Songs page, so I did it for you. Bua ha ha ha ha.

  • Second, uh, off, I added a nifty title image to (and updated) my IAQ, with a drawing I made of the three main characters. If you're wondering what Serpent looks like, this is the place to be...

  • Finally, for the MIDI of the Day, and for no reason at all, I made a remix of Steve Caires's Sounds from HELL.

  • This isn't really an update, but just saying that I finally beat FF7. I didn't even use Knights of Round to my advantage!

Tuesday, May 23rd--Hey-hey! Ahhhh...I haven't said that in a while. Anyways, here's another update for Midgar Swamp fans (that is, if I have any) to munch on. Mmm...updates...*drools*

  • FINALLY, I added a new song to the Songs page. BTW, "Aeris" is intentionally spelled like that, so it corresponds to the original song better (Iris). Everybody knows that it's really "Aerith", though. If you're a Cosmo Canyon fan, that is...

  • Another roleplay for you, uh, roleplaying fans has been added.

  • Links and Add-Ons have been updated, because goshspoonit, it's the right thing to do. Don't Go There has a new design, as if anybody cares. It's still a hole in one, though!

  • Has anybody else noticed that the poll is malfunctioning? I'll have to see to that...

  • On a slightly sadder note: Owen Hart, you will be greatly missed from all of us, and I will never forget the name of the Blue Blazer. The incident that took place on Sunday was the most tragic event ever to take place in the history of the WWF, and shook up all fans around the world. I pray for your family, and wish you all the best. Let's all have a moment of silence for Owen, shall we? Be serious, please. 

    Thanks. As a tribute, I've put Owen's music as the MIDI of the Day. Rest in peace.

Thursday, May 20th--Hellloooo! La la la! Ah, I love Seinfeld...Okay, here goes:

  • Justin McNeil (AKA That Guy Who Wrote The Wrestling Fic and The AIW Prez) has ever-so-dutifully written his own IAQ! *makes cheering crowd noise* And I'm in it! *makes louder crowd noise* And so is a sploit sandwich at the beginning! *makes crowd whimper*

  • While we're on the subject, Jeff, like the spoony bard that he is, criticized me for my Pt. Reyes update, so he updated his IAQ just to spoon me up! BTW, the IAQ's getting bigger! Ah, forget I said that and just go to

  • The Links, which have been infentecimally (sic?!) updated once more! Be SURE to visit ScoopTHIS, as it's truly innovative and hilarious. Wait, I just gave you the update there.

  • Coming soon...maybe by the end of the millenium...a new fanfic by me! Finally! And I'm thinking about a contest that has a preview as the prize or something, but I can't think of a topic for the contest. Hmm...I'll think about it. Maybe I'll make a poll concerning it.

  • Oh, and on the topic of polls...Please vote in mine! I don't want to put up "nooD pix uV tifa eehhheheehhehehehhhehhhh!!!!!!!" on an E-rated site!

Oh, and you could sign the guestbook, too...

Monday, May 17th--Serpent231 here. Okay, by now, you're probably all wondering "Do hedgehogs eat lard?"--er, I mean "Where the $&#@#^ is the  *^#&@ update already?!", as this place hasn't had one since...well, the last update. All right, here're my excuses:

  1. I still have homework to catch up on from the Washington DC trip (it was worth it, though!), and that, along with the regular schoolwork (and an all day canoe trip on Saturday), hasn't helped much.

  2. My spoony computer has been screwing up lately, and it won't even turn on properly. When you turn it on, all that shows is a blank screen. Then you press reset, but nothing changes. You have to repeat this until it begins to work, or just hit the computer, and it might turn on right. My dad and I have absolutely no idea why it does this.

  3. And while we're on that same subject, CuteFTP, for some reason, says my password to login to Tripod is wrong, and it won't connect to my account, so I haven't been able to download Jeff's updated stuff and start working on my own updates. When I try to do it online, though, I can access all the files. Of course, I haven't had time to do the online editing until now. It's a lot slower, anyways, but I guess I can adjust (or try a new FTP client).

  4. I haven't been working on the updates offline because most of my time was devoted to Pt. Reyes: The Game. I finally finished another chapter, fortunately.

Okay, with all that out of the way, I've finally managed an update! Here goes...

  • As I just said, Pt. Reyes has FINALLY been updated. I know you people were all waiting for this one (yeah, right). It's my favorite chapter, actually..

  • Most notably, Jeff, like the kind-hearted soul that he is, has made a logo for each page. Eat this, Cosmo Canyon! Er...sorry. I apologize, Fritz. The Dullard have mercy! Please forgive me! *sobs*

  • Not that anybody cares (or can see it), but I've added a huge META tag to the front page. Check it out if you're as bored as I am!

  • Along with that (and on the same note), I finally put up a disclaimer on the front page. WHEEEE!!

  • Just a quick note: I've quit E-wrestling for good (although I'll still add stuff to the section), so now I'll have less stuff on my hands. And throw that thought in the trash burner! Sigh...too much Don't Go There influence. BTW, Serpent only lost two matches.

  • I realize that I tried to change the poll offline, and that didn't work at all, since the poll server doesn't know I edited it. Now it's functioning just fine, so go and vote!

  • On the same subject that the poll covers, the owner of the Totally Yummy Homepage, signer of my guestbook, and huge Cosmo Canyon fan, Lady Marrah, has agreed to become a staff member for this site! Unfortunately, she said that it won't be till the 28th (I forgot why, cause I'm a spoony bard).

  • Additionally, I sent IcyBrian, the webmaster of the unhealthily big site, IcyBrian's Homepage, a message asking if it's okay to put some of his stuff on my site. I'll give him credit, of course, and I hope he agrees, since those lists he makes have made me laugh almost as hard as Fritz Fraundorf and CRZ's stuff. Not as much, of course, but...

  • I realize all this has been news and not updates, so here's more of what you saw the last time!

  • Add Ons updated! Sploit!

  • 231 Sightings updated! Is it growing on you yet?

  • Links updated! Be sure to check out the Daravon Fan Club!

Well, that's it for today! Come again!

Tuesday, May 11th--I'm baaaack from DC, and it kicked spum! As you've probably guessed, it's Serpent231, and I'm NOT talking in the 3rd person any more--it works in games, but not in conversation! Well, excluding the Rock...ANYways, I've got a few things to update, so let me first take you to

  • The Add Ons! They've been updated! Don't go there! Ah, I've said that before..

  • And an Add Ons update without 231 Sightings is like a dance floor without me! Wait, that didn't sound as good.

  • Onto the meat (drag that thought out onto the street, and shoot it!): One of the best reasons to visit the almighty Cosmo Canyon is up! The Yuffie Conspiracy Theory Page!! I won't give much away, so just go there and accept the facts! BTW, this was once the sister site of CC...

  • Links updated with...well, you do the math.

  • Finally, The Fraundorf of Recapping, CRZ, has had all the greatest moments, remarks, and momorable quotes of his recapping career put up on Wrestlemaniacs.com. If you haven't read any of his stuff yet, this compilation is just what you need to get started in worshipping him, along with a few less calories from laughing.

Sunday, May 9th--Hey, JeffreyATW here. Happy Mother's Day! Seems Serpent231 isn't back yet. Oh well...

  • I deleted Blue and Green from the Misc. Stuff page, because it's already in the MIDI Archives page. Sorry to do that, Serpent231, but what can you do about it? You're in Washington D.C.! Nothing gets accomplished there!

  • I changed my info a tad on the Staff page.

Saturday, May 8th--Bonjour! JeffreyATW est ici. Je suis desolee que je n'ai pas actualise la page d'internet recemment, parce que Serpent231 est sur une voyage d'ecole a Washington D.C. Je parle francais parce que je vais a la Paris pour l'ete, et Serpent231 et moi avons etudie francais pour deux anees.
Translation: Hello! JeffreyATW here. I'm sorry that I didn't update the site recently, because Serpent231 is on a school trip to Washinton D.C. I'm speaking French because I'm going to Paris for summer, and Serpent231 and I have been studying French for two years.

  • Anyway, even though it's been a long time, I've just got a small update. But it's interesting for me... I made a new midi! It's Millenium by Robbie Williams, and it's Midi of the Day.

  • I've been updating my IAQ, just in small segments. I'm not gonna really inform in the What's New section what I've done to it, because I just do small changes to it when I have the time.

Monday, May 3rd--Well, Serpent's finally gotten around to updating the site! Does he HAVE to talk in the third person now? Aww...

  • That danged Wild Arms review is finished! Check it out, and buy the game!

  • And also, Serpent finished writing Friday Night FEAR for the AIW! It's shut down now, so this is the last thing to remember the fed by...*sniff*

  • Jeff updated the Miller Creek RPG IAQ (sorta) with a couple paragraphs. Hey, he edits it online, so...

  • On a fanfic-related note, here's a short one in the form of a Match You Thought You'd Never See, by the owner of the (sniff) now-dead AIW. Only rasslin' fans will get all the jokes. It's not exactly Fraundorf, but it's pretty funny!

  • Blue and Green has been added to the Misc. Stuff page, so you can hear it without having to go to What's Old...

  • And finally, on a much more important note (no pun intented), Serpent's added a new fanfic by Fritz Fraundorf: BLUE AND GREEN!! This is one of Fritz's earlier ones, but it's still one of his favorites, and I'm sure you'll laugh out loud when you read it. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 30th--JeffreyATW AND Serpent231 here, sorry we haven't updated in a while, though we ARE going to have some big things coming up soon.

  • JeffreyATW started an IAQ! It's on our school, Miller Creek.

  • Jeff also smoothed out the face of Serpent231 on the front page.

  • Coming soon... a new Friday Night FEAR card! An update to Pt. Reyes IAQ! Two new MIDI's! That friggin' Wild Arms review! Only at the MIDGAR SWAMP!

Sunday, April 25th--I think this is the only occurrence where my update is smaller than Jeff's. That spoony bard!

  • Okay, down to beezinez (whatever THAT means): I've written another card for the AIW, and in my (and most of the other e-rasslers') opinion(s), it's pretty cool. Check it out if you haven't already read it (that is, if you're from that fed), or if you're bored.

  • If you've just gone there, you'll probably notice that the AIW has muzak! Er, music! It's pretty cool, and earns the right to be MIDI O' the Day!

  • On a related (if you read the previous bulleted line) note, Add Ons have been updated. Don't go there!

  • Thanks to contributors, I've received a few, well, contributions! 231 Sightings has been updated, along with Reviews. And BTW, I have started the Wild Arms review. Nyah!

  • Speaking of reviews, you may have noticed that there was a Review Form added to the bottom, but I forgot to FTP the actual file. Spoony me. Anyways, now it's up, and you can write your own reviews!

Saturday, April 24th--JeffreyATW is present. Spring cleaning! Just erasing and correcting some random junk...

Thursday, April 22nd--Hellllllllllllllllllo. Serpent231 here, and I've just got some great news: A fellow e-wrestler likes this site, and has decided to start contributing! Yahoo! All right!

  • Those danged Add-ons have been added on to. By the way, did you like the Don't Go There sound effect? I thought so.

  • And to start, I'll post his first review to the site: One for Romance of the 3 Kingdoms 4! Stussy: Huh, huh...romance...huh, huh, huh...                                                               Shute up, stupid!

  • And on a related note, a final version of the MST has been uploaded!

  • I had another this weekend, so you can read it if you're interested.

  • Time for a roleplay! This one's in MST format, so most of the jokes have already been said. Hey, the e-wrestlers haven't heard them before!

  • My poll's finally been changed. This one concerns MIDIs, so go and vote!

  • Jeff sez: There's no real update today, just noting that the MIDI of the Day is by my sister! It's kinda dumb! Listen to it anyway! Bye!

Tuesday, April 20th--Sorry for the lack of updates; this has been one of my busiest weeks yet. I've had to become the Prez of an e-fed, I had to write a card (that's the night of rasslin', for those who don't understand), I had this research notetaking on the White House this weekend, there was a ton of e-mail, I had to roleplay some more...you get the picture. Anyways, heeeeere's the update, with three big items!

  • As I've stated earlier, I wrote a card! No, it ain't for any special occasion, but it IS for the AIW, as I've become president (don't worry, I don't have to do much, except write a card every week). It took me a long time, so please check it out if you're bored, okay?

  • Oh, yeah. The MST's done. Yippee. No, wait, I mean...THE MST'S DONE! WHOOO HOO! YESSS!! It should appeal to rabid Pokemon fans everywhere. Well, the fanfic won't but...It's done! And I haven't started my Wild Arms review yet!

  • Finally, I've added an Untitled (it doesn't need one) sound to this site that will forever deem this place as "sick, dude!", since it's composed by my nameless disgusting friend, who's obsessive-compulsive behavior causes him to feel it necessary to make these odd, revolting, yet squishy sound effects every friggin' day at school in an attempt to be funny. He was trying to make it sound like the first part of Don't Go There, and I have to admit, he succeeded! Take a note that all these sounds are compiled from SimCopter!

Thursday, April 15th--Bonjour! Allo! Salut! Just have something quick to say before I get into the update rundown: READ BEATH OF FLAMS ALREADY! Mmm...beathy! Thank you.

  • I've added a new FAQ to this ever-growing page (yeah, right ^_^): Cedric "Lobsterboy" Henry's hilarious Um Jammer Lammy FAQ! For the Unenlightened, Um Jammer is the sequel to PaRappa. Um-cut! Um-censored! Um Jammer!

  • The almighty (and downright disgusting) Add-Ons have been updated! Thanks to Angel of Death for an add-on to Don't Go There (ugghhh...).

  • A new roleplay! Let us uh, rejoice..

  • Updated the mindblowingly, uh, coincidental 231 Sightings.

  • Don't forget to vote in my all new Web Poll! C'mon, 231 needs some more respect!

  • Couple announcements: One, I'm sorry that I haven't put up my Wild Arms review yet; I just haven't had any time. And two: visit Cosmo Canyon before it dies again (have I made a point yet?)!

  • Hey, what the--oh, no...IT'S BACK! Too many chocolates for me, too. DOT, GO HOME! ARE YOU TOO GOOD FOR YOUR HOME? THE HOLE IS YOUR HOME!! Ah, too much Happy Gilmore...

Tuesday, April 13th-- JeffreyATW again... this update is so small it doesn't deserve a dot. The only thing is that I made a new Song. It's called Materia Girl, by Yuffie Kisaragi.

  • <-- Hey, what's this dot doing here? It shouldn't be here!! GO AWAY, stupid dot! Sorry, too many Belgian chocolates. Mmm... chocolat>Hey, what's this dot doing here? It shouldn't be here!! GO AWAY, stupid dot! Sorry, too many Belgian chocolates. Mmm... chocolate...

Monday, April 12th--It's-a Gowdey-o, and I just wanted to say that if you click the link Jeff gave you, you'll open up a frame within this frame. Still, just GO TO COSMO CANYON (http://www.cosmocanyon.net) NOW!! Who cares if it's not being updated anymore? It's still THERE, isn't it? Just go!! Shoo! Begone! Oh, the update. Right.
  • Since Cosmo Canyon is back, I managed to bootl--er, "salvage" some of Fritz Fraundorf's best and put it up here in case the site gets 404-ed again for no apparent reason (hey, it came back for no apparent reason, didn't it?). Now, now, I remember Fritz saying on his Page FAQ that it's okay to put his stuff on another site--just give him credit for it. Okay, here. Ya happy now?

  • Anyway, here's Fritz's pride and joy, Beath of Flams! This is the granddaddy (how DO you spell that, anyway?) of IAQs, and makes Pt Reyes look like an Ace Hall fic. Juthd read it (or what you can--it is 400k+)! And that'th prounounthed "Beeth", not "Beth", you thee. Do you underthtand THAT?

  • Links updated with the almighty COSMO CANYON and the gut-busting final fantasy 9!!!!!!!!! site.

  • Web poll changed, so you might as well go and vote! The last voting ended with 4 people saying that my site is funny, and two lukewarm about it. Hey, it's a start.

  • Jeff informed me that the information in his Pokemon guide doesn't work. Well, don't worry. He'll never live to see his next birthday.

Sunday, April 11--Jeffrey here, with the smallest update I've ever done, but one of the most important, too. It can be summed up in 3 words...

Saturday, April 10--Jeffrey here, small update here also.

  • SOMEBODY (hack, cough, *JAMES*, cough) took my song off the Songs page... I put it back on.

  • I truncated the What's New section, you can see previous updates here.

  • Yet another fabulous midi! Yes, I've done it, this time... I've made the... POKÉMON OPENING BATTLE THEME!!! It sounds just like the original, too! It took me 1 minute to make! It's also MIDI of the Day!

Thursday, April 8--Well, I've run out of things to say. Nooooo!! They're all gonna laugh at me!

  • I've updated the infamous Tekken 3 Wrestling FAQ. Read it, or suffer the consequences.

  • Another rasslin' match. But this time...I LOST! Nooooo!! They're all gonna laugh at me!

  • Add-Ons page updated. Is anybody surprised?

  • In case you haven't checked out any of CRZ's reports, I've got a link to his latest one right here! Trust me, this is one of his better ones, and even if you aren't exactly into wrestling, there are still some great parts in it that even you'll think are funny. What are you waiting for? Go! Shoo! Get out!

  • According to my *chorus* Handy Dandy Web Poll, 3 people STILL think my site is funny! Whoo hooo! Yesss!

Monday, April 5th--Sorry, I've been caught up with other stuff these days (namely my new game, Wild Arms, and the usual). Jeff saved me yesterday, though. Mwaha haa..staff members..

  • 231 Sightings updated with (OH MY GOD!) a couple more sightings.

  • E-Wrestling updated with a roleplay and another match against JEKEL, someone who thinks having a name in caps is cool.

  • According to my handy dandy web poll, THREE whole people are positive that this site is funny! Heck, yes!

  • Coming soon: The MST (I think Jeff and I decided not to have Max's version in, since he still doesn't have the fic) and a review of Wild Arms, one of the coolest RPGs yet. Check out the MIDI of the Day to see why I love this game so much.

Sunday, April 4th--Hey, hey, hey! Guess who? No, it's not James, it's-a-me, Jeffrey! Contrary to popular belief, I'm not dead, and I didn't make that sick Add-On! Just have a small update, though.

  • I made a new midi file! First, there was One Week, which was mediocre, then came Baby One More Time, which was much better, now there's my latest one, Why Don't You Get A Job by the Offspring, which, if I take a quote from my good friend the Name Rater, is "truly impeccable"!

  • I added a little multimedia into the 231 Sightings.

  • I added some buttons to the menu.

  • Being the egotistical little poo that I am, I put my new midi as the Midi of the Day.

Thursday, April 1st--Well, I've decided to stop running this site. Sorry, it's just that I've been too busy with homework, roleplaying, e-mail, etc, etc. The Midgar Swamp was fun while it lasted, but as you know, all good things must come to an end. I guess stopping the updates after this place reached 231 hits was the right thing to do. Don't you think so? Well, I do. Oh, yeah. The update. Uh, I'll just put up a bunch o' stuff, then leave.

  • Not-too-surprisingly, I've won another fight. Last Thursday, Serpent laid the smack down on the Notorious JAZ, some jobber who thinks he can talk in ebonics and get away with it.

  • E-Wrestling has been updated with a new section.

  • Add-Ons, like the Friday tradition they are, have been added-on to.

  • Turns out that Jeff already put his review up on the day I announced it would be coming soon. Sorry for any confusion there.

  • Oh, yeah, about me shutting down the site? APRIL FOOLS!! Bwahahahahaaaa...

  • The MST should be up soon! All we have to do is compile our versions. And get Max's, too. Uh, I don't think he has the fic yet.

  • Don't forget to vote in my all-new Web Poll on the main page!

Sunday, March 28th--Whoo-hoo, 231 hits! Time to celebrate!

  • Well, in honor of that magic number, I've composed a small section featuring all the 231 Sightings you can handle. Well, actually, there aren't too many yet, but when I see 'em (or hear about 'em), I'll post 'em!

  • Hey, it's a big day, isn't it? This site deserves a dose of Fraundorf! Now you can witness the Dullard at his best, in Xenogears Solid: Tactical Crossover Action! You'll have to have played Metal Gear Solid to understand most of the jokes, but still, it's simply hilarious.

  • Also, I've added Jeff's Pokemon FAQ to the site, which tells you les tres bizarre ways to get the remaining hidden Pokemon. Hey, I hardly know much about Pokemon, and I still had fun reading this!

  • Coming soon: A review by Jeff and...*drumroll*...a new MST! By Stussy and the gang, of course.

Thursday, March 25th--Un update grande pour demain! Formidable, no?
  • Well, as you probably have anticipated, the E-Wrestling section is up! It's pretty small right now, but has some points of interest, nevertheless. You can go check it out here. No, wait. I mean, the link right here. Argggh! I give up.

  • Additionally, there's a new MIDI composed by Sleek Spum, Master of Spong Foo! That's Jeff, by the way. It resembles Baby One More Time by Brittany Spears, and even got a place as MIDI of the Day! Good job, Jeff! You can go on to the next page now!

  • Which would be....the one and only...Add-On page!

  • I've also given a little change to the main page: The links are in the center, bigger, there's a QuickSubmit! button at the bottom (hey, the e-mail told me to), and the menu now has more functions, thanks to Jeff!

  • Finally, I changed the title of this site. It is, isn't it? 

Sunday, March 21st--Just a quick update today; the E-Wrestling section should be ready to put up soon.

  • Finally, I've added to the Reviews section: A review of Breath of Fire 3! A great RPG, in my opinion, and worth your money. And no, that wasn't the review.

  • I've updated the Links with a link to Christopher Robin Zimmerman's homepage. Go to the section to find out a lot more.

  • And of course, this update wouldn't be another match! This time, it's against a freak named, well, Freak, for my X-Treme title.

  • I've become Vice Prez for the AIW e-fed, which means that I'll just be helping with odd jobs like going over reports for spelling, small updates, etc. Basically, I'm a small staff member there now. Don't worry, this will not hinder these updates--I can guarantee that.

Thursday, March 18th--Well, there's been just more and more E-rasslin' this week. A couple matches, more roleplaying, and a couple challenges have been issued as well!

  • Hey-hey! I've won another two matches! One was an earlier one against Fritz for the X-Treme title, and the other is my latest against some spoony copycat poop-face called Solid Snake to claim the title as TRUE SNAKE! It doesn't mention that in the match, though; it was just an inside thing.

  • And, I've added on once again to the Add-Ons--all three phrases, this time! Note: I did not invent that last one. I repeat, I have nothing to do with it.

  • Oh, and I've put Back to the Midgar Swamp, or Back to Songs, or Back to MSTings etc, on each section (I may have missed some, though, oh well..) that I've written. This makes it so if you've just browsed into here without frames (maybe if you, under my command, just typed in the address of one page), it'll make it a lot easier to go to the other sections. Hey, I might as well.

  • And finally, graphic-wise, I've added a little MST3K logo to MSTings, thanks to Jeff. Makes you want to hum the credits sequence, doesn't it? Oh, and my face is bigger on the front page! Mwahahhaaa, ego...

Tuesday, March 16th--Again, sorry for the lack of updates; it's just that I've been busy (as usual). Here's the rundown:

  • All rejoice! Serpent has craftfully striken down yet another opponent in E-wrestling! This time, it's in the AIW, and you can read all about it here. Another match will be coming up this Thursday in the IRCW--a snake pit match against some unoriginal spoony called Solid Snake. He thinks he can claim the title as the True Snake, whatever that means.

  • Yet another section has been added: Songs. This is kinda self explanatory, displaying all the song parodies I've written. It not only makes the site look more organized, but it makes it look BIGGER, too! Mwahahhaaa...

  • And a couple random thoughts: I've been thinking about becoming the commisioner for the AIW to help out with odd jobs that the site needs, like editing Friday Night FEAR for grammar, spellin', or anything that needs editing. Also, I'm on the verge of beginning another new section, showing all my roleplays I've used in e-wrestling. Now, these aren't just your average "I'm #$* gonna #*%^^@&#% your #&^@%@%!!!", but they're more like mini-fanfics, so I thought they'd fit well with the site. These roleplays are another sign that I'm obsessed with Cosmo Canyon, since some of the jokes are re-used (sorry, Fritz. It's just that I have to teach the Unenlightened all the ways of Fraundorf!).

Thursday, March 10th--Words cannot describe how busy I have become these past few days with E-Wrestling. Roleplaying offline documents whenever I get the chance, always thinking up new ideas, e-mailing The Prez (manager of the AIW), and checking the message boards for new challenges have taken up most of my time. However, it's worth it. For the people that actually care about my site, I've been able to update, and here it is:

  • To make the site a lot more organized, I've added an MSTs section, featuring all of my, well, MSTings of bad fanfiction. If you haven't already read all of them, you can find them all here!

  • Added on to the...Add-On section with...well, you don't want to know. By the way, the new added on parts will be added on in add-on RED. Adds on to the add on page, doesn't it?

  • Finally, I'd like to fill you in on a little teaser: Tomorrow, I'll be having another e-wrestling match at the AIW. It'll be a Table match, where you must throw your opponent through four out of eight tables to win the match. Somebody's gonna get their spoony kicked! Additionally, I'll be competing for the X-Treme title in another match against the same guy on Sunday! Hope Serpent can pull off a win with all his "mad roleplaying skeellz"!

Tuesday, March 8th--Sorry for the amount of time it took to update; I've been really busy these past few days. Anyway, there's some bad news: Sleek Spum, er, Jeff won't be able to help out with the site until June (due to personal reasons), so you're stuck with me. Mwahahahaaa..

  • Why the lack of updates? Well, it's probably due to homework, extra-curricular weekend stuff, and online wrestling leagues. Yes, you read that correctly, I've joined two leagues (it's a long story), and you can view my progress at the Insane Rage Wrestling Corporation, or Absolutely Insane Wrestling (I'm Serpent in both leagues). The way that you play is by creating a wrestler (with his personality, moves, finisher, etc), then taking him to the message boards and roleplaying. Roleplaying could be something like, say, my Rock rant from the Tekken 3 Wrestling FAQ, only with atmosphere and possibly different characters in the scene. If you've got a pretty good grade in English, you'll do fine in these leagues. You can read my roleplaying at the message boards (also called the forum); i.e. the weird ones by Serpent ^_^

  • Also, on a related note, I've had my first match over at the IRCW, and you can read about it here! If you don't like wrestling, it probably won't be too interesting to you, unfortunately.

  • Updated Links with links to the two leagues.

Thursday, March 4th--It's-a me, Gowdey-o! Today, this update covers...well...the usual.

  • Updated my ol' Tekken 3 Wrestling FAQ with some more characters. Also, just to let you know, it's on Gamefaqs as well! My second one up there, whoo-hoo!

  • Coming from the bowels of e-mail humor...it's Actual Answers to 6th Grade History Tests! Personally, I think it's pretty funny, so I suggest you read it.

  • Sorry, Jeff, but that quote you put up yesterday just wasn't exactly an Add-On. However, in it's place, is a bigger, badder, and more disgusting Add-On. I DID NOT MAKE THIS UP. IT WAS FROM A FRIEND. A FRIEND, YOU HEAR ME?

Tuesday, March 2nd--JeffreyATW (again) sez: It's the update about nothing!

  • I changed the front page so it doesn't ask you if you want frames or not. You're going to have to live with frames. (sticks tongue out)

  • I did the MIDI of the Day today. You'll just hate me. *_*

  • I put an Add-On onto the (what else?) Add-Ons page. Think this one over. Boy, I'm just making all's y'all's just suffer, 'aint I?

Sunday, February 28th--JeffreyATW sez: The MST's done! THE MST'S DONE!

  • Here's one heckuva bad fanfic, called Lightning Ace, by Ace Hall. Boy, James, Max and I are sure glad it's done being MSTed. Read it, will ya?

  • This is really cool, too. I spent all day yesterday composing my own midi! Over the frustration of not being able to find it over the internet, with the same program which brought you the terrible Blue and Green, it's One Week by the Barenaked Ladies, reminding you once again... IT'S COMPOSED BY ME, THE ALL-POWERFUL JEFFREY FADEN! Sorry, just trying to convey that it's really hard.

(James here, just letting you know that the theme of Mystery Science Theater 3000 is up in honor of the MST finishing. Appropriate, huh?)

Thursday, February 25th--The MST is almost finished! Max Morgunov just has to submit his riffs to Jeff to combine them. And it's looking pretty good so far, too! Can't wait to show it to you soon, but in the meantime, here's something completely different in the update..

  • Well, you probably didn't see it coming, but who cares? Yes, you might have read the hilarious Cosmo Canyon fanfic on a horrible song called Blue and Green (I might put the fic up on the page later, that is, if I can get a response from Fritz, the author), and you probably wanted to hear what the "song" actually sounded like. Well, I've taken the time to compose a MIDI of it on Noteworthy Composer, and lo and behold, Blue and Green LIVES!! Remember, it's intentionally bad ^_^

  • And along with that, I've updated Links. Yippee! I....think...

Sunday, February 21st--Well, I'm pretty excited today! Just submitted a FAQ on Tekken 3 to Gamefaqs, and I can't wait to see it up there. But this isn't just any FAQ.....this....is THE TEKKEN 3 WRESTLING FAQ! INNOVATION IS MINE!! MWAHAHAA!! And here's the update.

  • Added yet another new section. This time, it's the Add-Ons section, and is something I've always wanted to see on a page. You see, you read the big words or phrases there, then you try to add more and more onto it to make it bigger and funnier. It's hard to explain here, so I'll just leave you to read it over.

  • I've also put my Tekken 3 Wrestling FAQ in My Stuff. If you're a wrestling fan, you'll probably like it. If you aren't, well, read it if you don't have anything else to do ^_^

  • And finally, due to popular demand of one person (cough hack *JEFF* cough cough), the "10" image (and the 8, too) is back to the ol' black background. Oh, well.

Saturday, February 20th--Well, the MST, in a capitalized word, is HUGE. My version (Jeff, Max and I each do a separate one, then combine the best riffs from each) is 57 K currently, and 62 pages long! Course, Ace Hall (the "author" *snickers*) wrote most of it, if you know what I mean. Still, it's something. Since most of my time was spent writing the MST, I haven't had much time to update. Here's a small one, though.

  • Well, I've updated Reviews with not only a new review, but a change in the "10" image. The black background of the image looked a little odd with the white background of the review, so I changed it.

  • I've also updated Links. More links! More options! More fun!

Wednesday, February 16th--It's-a me, James! Quick update today, but here's the rundown nonetheless. P.S. I was trying to be different today, so...

  • I know I promised it earlier, and Serpent231 isn't one to forget a promise. Unless he owes somebody his money. Then, he'd probably run out the door laughing and screaming while his opposer chases after him in hopes of punching him out and taking the money they so rightfully deserve. Then he would jump over a lamppost, turn around, wave a blender menacingly, and cast Gamma on his opponent, who would probably have run back to James' house and stolen his wallet anyway. But anyway, here's the Reviews section. I'll add a couple more when I have the time. Don't think that I'm going to give everything in there a 10, however; the games there are just my favorites.

  • Depending on your attitude towards random humor, that might have or might not have been funny. Actually, it was just an excuse to put a ton of links there. I'll be working on the MST, so aside from adding a review or two, the next updates won't be all that frequent. Sorry, it's what happens when you're at work. Anyway, as an apology, here's a really funny letter I got from Jeff, who got it from somebody else, who got it from another. And no, it's not your average chain letter ^_^

Monday, February 15th--Jeffrey here, a small update of the Stuff page.

  • I added one of my own songs onto the page, called The Power of Deep-Fried. I think it's pretty funny, myself.

  • You'd have to have an eagle eye to see this, but I slightly changed the color of the Stuff page.

  • Coming soon... A new MST! It's called Lightning Ace and will be MSTed by me, James, and Max Morgunov. Look for it soon... only at The Midgar Swamp. Oh yeah, and on my site, too.

Friday, February 12th--Well, we're back from the absolutely wonnnnnnnnnderful ski trip from beauuuuuuuuuuutiful Sugar Bowl in snoooooooowy AND sunnnnnnny (at the same time) Califorrrrrrrrrrnia, and I guess there is an update. By the way... it's Jeffrey. Can't let any credit go to James... buahahaha.

  • I updated MIDI of the Day Archives, 'cause guess what! There's a new midi of the day! I also added the link to the menu on the left.

Thursday, February 11th--Jeff and I are going on a ski trip with some classmates from school tomorrow, so if there isn't anything up for a couple days, that's why. Anyway, here's the update.

  • I made a new section, the MIDI of the Day Archives. In there you can listen to all the previous MIDIs of the Days. Enjoy!

  • Well, it's another update to My Stuff. Soon, I'll make separate sections for each type when I have the time. This time, I've added Gettin' Sithy With It, a song by Cait Sith that, well, isn't all that up to par. Hey, it's an addition, anyway.

  • Finally, I've just decided to say that a Reviews section should be up in a few days, with some game reviews from me (and possibly Jeff). Er, that wasn't exactly an update, so I'll give you a MIDI. Mmm....hits...Aaah! I didn't say that! Heh...Wait, that doesn't work.

Wednesday, February 10th-- Jeffrey Faden at your service. Here's a small update, the MST James put up yesterday wasn't totally complete. Max Morgunov didn't totally finish. I just added some stuff in.

Tuesday, February 9th--Hope you like the new setup! Huge thanks to Jeff for this one; I never would have got it working (at least not for a long time). I've been flooded with homework and extra-curricular activities lately, but now, I've got a whole week off from school! Yahoo! All right!

  • I've updated Pt. Reyes: The Game. This episode deals with The Mouse, and a couple other things. If you haven't read this by now, please take the time to. It's my biggest (and favorite) project yet.

  • Also, speaking of favorites, I've added my latest MST, Nexa's Revenge! Jeff and I worked on this one, and in my opinion, it's one of my best. Poor General Slaughter ^_^

  • Finally, this might not seem so important, but I've added one of my favorite MIDIs to the front page, linked to the word "swamp". If you've played FF7, you'll recognize it. If you haven't, well, it's still a great, long, MIDI.

Saturday, February 5th--Jeffrey here. This has to be the biggest update yet...

  • Isn't this great? As I think you'd guess, there are frames now! I spent 2 hours getting it to work, but it was worth it, don't you think? Also, you had to have noticed this... the main page prompts you with a Frames/No Frames option.

  • I took the "Back to Midgar Swamp" link off of each page, because since the main page has a different name, it's really confusing, so I just deleted the links all together. Anyway, the "Home" button is on the menu.

  • A new Staff section is put up, made by both James and me.

  • I converted What About Marlene?, Top 10 Rejected WWF Superstars, and The Quest for the Jade Monkey into HTML.

  • And James put some makeup on his face on the front page.

Friday, February 4th--Sorry for the lack of updates the past few days (thanks again, Jeff); I just had a ton of make-up homework that I had to do since I was sick for three days. You know how homework is. Don't you? Well? Please say yes. Pretty please? C'mon...

  • I've added a new sound file, the Mankind Theme (from the WWF) , and yet another song to My Stuff, What About Marlene? by Barret. It's a parody of Just the Two of Us by Will Smith, which uses the same music as the same song by Stevie Wonder. It's a parody-parody!

  • Updated the Links section with, a few more links.

Wednesday, February 3rd--Once again... it's Jeffrey!

  • Well, James put his site up on redirection service, so it's 11 letters easier to get to his site. Wanna try it out?

  • Also, I put the big, tacky banner for it on the front page. Hey, nothing's free.

  • And one final note... COSMO CANYON IS DEAD FOR GOOD!!!! GAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 2nd--Ok, it's Jeffrey, I am just making a small update... Lucrecia is in HTML.

Sunday, January 31st--Thanks for the update yesterday, Jeff. I'll have to put you in a staff section when I have the time. Anyhow, here's a rather large update.

  • A new song has been added to My Stuff, Lucrecia. It's a parody of Lollipop, but I don't know how to put MIDIs in the background yet, so until Jeff fixes it (pretty please?), it's in text form.

  • In addition to Lucrecia, I've added a hybrid of an anti-smoking poster and PaRappa to My Stuff. It's for a science assignment at school, but I thought it would be cool to put up.

  • I'm giving out my own award for cool web sites. Ask me if you want one for your site, and I'll give you my verdict.

  • Finally, I get a Guestbook! Now, along with the counter and search engine donations, my site's popularity is inveeeencible!! Bwahahahahaaa!!! Ahem, sorry.

  • As you probably noticed already, along with the Guestbook, the counter is up and running, and works just fine.

Saturday, January 30th--It's Jeffrey Faden, helping James out with the site.

And don't forget to visit my site! (Yum. The sweet smell of unauthorized publication.)

Friday, January 29th--Hope you liked those Wav files, because there's more where that came from! Also, I've put up some more Stuff.

  • There are some new MIDIs and links, surprisingly in the About Serpent231 section. You'll find them scattered around, along with a link to a "site about nothing".

  • As mentioned, My Stuff has a few new things: Two more Wavs and an MST.

  • As you might have noticed, I've added a new section: Links! Now, you can visit a few 231-recommended sites.

  • Updated the MIDI of the Day. I just felt like saying this.

Thursday, January 28th--Well, I realize that I made some big errors earlier: One, I messed up on all sounds, the MIDI, and the counter. Not much of an update ^_^. And two, it wasn't the 7th yesterday! It was the 27th! Anyways, I managed to fix the above mentioned, so enjoy! The counter, however, still needs work.

  • Oh, and I added another sound to My Stuff: A Celebrity Deathmatch quote.

Wednesday, January 27th--Hey-hey! I'm feeling better today! Still got a stuffy nose, but that should be gone by tomorrow. Anyway, here's a rundown of what's been happening:

  • As you probably have noticed, there's a "MIDI of the Day" on the front page. I did this so it would not only be easier to tell if there was an update that day, but also to give you a chance to download some of my MIDIs, too. I might have a MIDI section, but until more people visit this site, I'll just leave it at this.

  • Added a couple Seinfeld Wav files to My Stuff. I'll give them a separate section as well when I get more. Enjoy!

  • As you may have noticed (or may not have, depending on whether it worked or not), I've added a counter to my page! Now, I can see if anybody's coming to my site, or if I'm updating it for nobody! It might not have worked, but that can always be corrected.

Monday, January 25th, 1999--PPhhbbbbb!!! Stupib colb. This ubdate bon't be too great because I hab a colb, but nebertheless, I tryeb the best I coulb:

Sunday, January 24th, 1999--Whoo-hoo! The site's first update! Thank the Planet! Anyways, here's a rundown of what's happened so far on the Swamp's first update:

  • I've added the What's New section, obviously. It'll be bigger, don't worry..

  • I've fixed any broken links that were, er, broken earlier (a site's worst nightmare)! Now, everything in the My Stuff section functions properly (even the links to the other sites)