Final Fantasy 8
Developer: Square Publisher: Square Genre: RPG
Players: 1 Memory Blocks: 1 Discs: 4 Analog:
Yes Dual Shock: Yes ESRB: Teen Difficulty: Depends...
FF8 is the most anticipated game of the year. Does it live up to these
expectations? In some ways yes, in some ways no!
Gameplay--The gameplay of FF8 is truely revolutionary for an RPG.
It is so unlike any previous one, yet not so abstract that it is unfamiliar
to tried and true fans. Gone are the cumbersome magic limitations (represented
in MP). Instead, magic is drawn from enemies and guardian forces (similar
to espers or summons) have HP, compatibility, and skills of their own. The
battle system looks different too. A menu doesn't hog the bottom of the screen,
but rather comes up only when necessary. Character skills are hodgepodged
from different FFs (ex: Selphie has a random magic skill, Quistis uses something
equivalent to Enemy Skill, and Zell adhears to a Blitz like command). The
long treasured Limit Breaks are for the most part gone, and much rarer. Overall,
FF8 has extremely good gameplay. The Junction and Draw systems are the best
ideas yet from Square. The weapon system is so/so, but I think a lot of people
will miss buying equipment. One more thing - by tapping [square] during a
summon, or pressing R1 during an attack, you can increase damage!
Graphics--The graphics of this game are simply awe inspiring. The
battle graphics are of extremely high quality - the characters seem very
real during their winning stances. Each enemy is very detailed and has a
wide variety of motions. The summons are even better than FF7's and look
fantastic. When not in battle, the characters still look great. Unlike its
predecessor, FF8 is devoid of super-deformed characters. Rather, the inhabitants
of FF8 look real, move around, have different clothes, and make hand gestures
and other movements. Each town / dungeon is beautifully prerendered with
excruciating detail. The overworld, however, looks bland, and though realistic,
is devoid of interesting color. The graphics are essentially Parasite Eve
meets FF7.
Music--The music of FF8 is a mixed bag. Some would say it lives
up to expectations, others would say it falls short. I would go with the
previous statement. Each setting has its own distinctive tune, which fits
it almost to a tee. Some of the musical tunes aren't as inspiring as the
ones in FF7, however. The fanfare, though extremely marred, still exists.
The battle and boss music are okay, but the overworld music sucks. I would
have to say that the two best tunes would be during Edea's parade, and the
kidnapping attempt of President Deling.
Storyline--Of all the games in the Final Fantasy series, FF8 seems
to have the worst plot! In a world where it is apparent that the medieval
time is scarce or not present at all (you can drive cars, order gas, ride
on trains, operate machines) the main enemy is a SORCERESS. Rather than revealing
the plot slowly, it is bluntly revealed at the end of Disc 1 (which is only
20 hours, VERY short, btw). I'm not far enough into the game to see how Laguna
incorporates into the plot, but it doesn't look promising. If love does exist
between Squall and Rinoa, it doesn't show through right away. I would not
call this plot based on love, because it simply isn't. It's just another
SAVE THE WORLD FROM THE EVIL EMPIRE deal - which I'm sick of.
Control--The control for FF8 breaks away from tradition as well. Rather
than O being the classic confirm, and X being run/cancel, they're roles have
been switched. You run automatically and, in some areas, you can only walk.
Control can sometimes be a hassle because of the pre-rendered backgrounds
(also, they don't have the finger and the colored arrows to help you out
either). Moving about and talking to people can be a pain in the @$$ too.
If you want to play the game without hurting your fingers, I suggest you
use the analog stick - you're gonna need it.
Fun Factor--This game, in my mind, is a VERY VERY close equal to
FF7 in fun factor, but runs a little short of fun at times. Running through
a gauntlet of dungeons without resting or seeing the overworld isn't my idea
of fun. However, the card game is an EXTREMELY welcome idea. The battles
are very entertaining and enjoyable. Personally, the individuality which
has been added to each G.F. (you can even name them!) makes the game more
Overall Satisfaction--This game will have to run a close race, if
it wants to beat out FF7 in the satisfaction category. If you liked FF7,
this game is just right for you. Another entertaining game from Square, though
lacking in plot. It adds so many new and great ideas, but brings many many
traditions from other games in the series. The discs were to clogged with
cinema scenes (about 5 cinema scenes were just of Edea's face) to keep the
player preoccupied. Disc 1 was VERY VERY VERY short.
BTW: What are those things in the corkscrew prison? Are they descendants
of Bugenhagen and Nanaki?? They sure look like it!
Highs: Graphics, battling, the junction system
Lows: Plot, character development, control, overworld look
Score: 9
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