 Serpent231 |
ICQ Number: 11142974 |
The founding father and X-Treme Champion of the Midgar
Swamp is none other than James Gowdey. When he's not burning electronica CDs (both ways), practicing his Marvel vs. Capcom game, or balancing a balloon on his head, he can be found bored stiff at his computer, pretending to wrestle people online.
James's bio
Current Winamp Playlist.
My 50 Favorite Songs
Current Music Choice to Be Played At Funeral:"Life" by Our Lady Peace.
Currently playing: Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (ARCADE COMPETITION GOODNESS), Marvel vs. Capcom Training Mode. (Yeah, I know..."^o^whatever hapened to rpgs!??!?!1?!?//o_O")
 JeffreyAtW |
ICQ Number: 14456356
AOL Instant Messenger Screen Name: JeffreyAtW
MSN Messenger Email: jeffreyatw@hotmail.com
Yahoo! Messenger User Name: jeffreyatw
JeffreyAtW is the wonderful,
genius, expert, and egotistical artist, HTML designer, and composer of the
Swamp. He's the one that updates all the time with nothing relevant, and even less things useful. He roleplays as his character Skyler, who
resides at Mundi Noctem. He was
recently kicked down the stairs by his dog, but took his car (with his new driver's permit) and RAN HIM OVER!
Jeffrey's bio
Jeffrey's old bio
Current MIDI's in the making: Suteki Da Ne (FFX), Soulless Village Bran Bal (piano, FFIX), FFIX Main Theme
Currently playing: Final Fantasy VI |
ICQ Number: 14179958 (WolfeDen3)
AOL Instant Messenger Screen Name: WolfeDen3 TPW |
His titles are "Accumulator of Twenty-One Titles",
"CoLaUAwwPNbUDtTL (Creator of Large and Useless Acronyms which will Probably Never be Used
Due to Their Length)", "Collector of Hen Ties", "Contributor of Bizarre Things No One Else
Has Thought Of", "Downloader of 230+ MP3s in 12 Hours", "Duke of URL", "Esper Whose Name is
Synonymous with the Apocalypse", "Gentleman and a Scholar", "HTML Coding Checker", "Innuendo
Man", "Learner of BoomBada", "Most Likely to Succeed", "Most Shy", "MSTery Word Creator",
"Platinum Bomber", "Official Error Reporting Guy", "Savior of Files", "Title Accumulator",
"Typo Man", "Waster of Valuable Computer Bytes with Such Dreadfully Lengthy Titles", "<THIS TITLE
AVAILABLE FOR RENT>" and "WolfeDen3" "The WolfeDen3 Formerly Known as Ragnarok"...
It is the lupus who IS WolfeDen3! If you've seen a faulty link before and it's fixed but
NOT mentioned in the next update, it's probably the work of WolfeDen3. He also RPs
(RolePlays) at Windor, the
MMG, and Mundi Noctem, and you can find details about his characters on
this page. He also has his own website,
(appropriately) called WolfeDen3's Website.
For those of you wondering why I changed my name: Well, considering that
WolfeDen3 was my real original Internet nickname and not Ragnarok (which I used when I was
a fanatic of that sword-shaped Esper from Final Fantasy VI...And have kept the name since it was also synonymous
with my RP character of the same first name), I just decided that it was time to switch back to my old name.
Plus, it makes it a lot easier for me to keep all of my character and user names synchronized, a more
important reason for why I've switched back to my old name ^_^
WolfeDen3's bio (now from his own site =P)
Currently playing: Final Fantasy VII (PC Version...Excellent for those of us who don't own a PlayStation =P)
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