(note: This was a reflective essay I did for school, so, uh, sorry if it's a bit wordy)
I don't necessarily deny the existence of a god, but until somebody can show me some
concrete evidence of there being one (which probably isn't going to happen)...I'm sure not
going to be "converted" anytime soon. The whole concept of souls, religion, and God was just
was a lot of stuff thought up by ancient man, who at the time, didn't have enough scientific evidence to show what really went on in the world.
Re-incarnation is a topic that isn't very believable to me, either. How is one's soul
supposed to travel from one body to the next...yet none of us ever say anything about our
past life? If I had the same soul as the person before me, why doesn't that soul say tell me
in some way that it's seen other bodies? Why doesn't it take control of my hands right now
as I type this? Why isn't it telling me "No, it's all true! You're just a stupid jaded teenager
saying things that you think are right!"
Is it maybe because I have the soul that's inhabited a whole bunch of non-believers over
time? Is it because the soul, God, and all the other religious stuff just wants to keep itself
separated from humanity, and watches over us instead? They just let the people who have
faith in God and spirituality believe what they want, and then when they die, they let them
in on the secret? What happens after we die, anyway?
There have been stories of people being miraculously cured from a fatal disease in the
hospital just from praying (and intensive medical care--oops, we'll forget about that). And
then, of course, there are people who still pass away no matter how much praying they do.
There are people who claim to have had out-of-body experiences--they were the same
spirit as Napoleon, or Martin Luther King Jr, or Colonel Sanders. Yet these people have
nothing to back that up, other than a faint notion that it might be true, judging from a
dream they had, for example. Or maybe they're just a bunch of money-crazy
people who want to get some instant gratification by saying they created the special recipe
for crispy fried chicken.
Some people believe--as the paper we read states--that your soul just pops out of your
body when you bite the dust, flies away to a far off land. From there, apparently, it
watches over the world for a little while, waiting for a baby to be born so it can pop back
into there and inhabit a new body. Others believe that your spirit (different from the soul,
for the soul's the one that travels from body to body) goes into the sky and plays Foozeball
with Jimi Hendrix and John Lennon in "heaven". And others believe both, even though the
two beliefs contradict each other--one says you go to somebody else, the other says you
go to the clouds.
Which is it? Does whatever a certain person believe happen for them alone? Does God
grant the person's soul--train of thought, belief, whatever controls their body at the time--
whatever path it believes in? Is faith really the only thing that matters--it just depends on
what you believe in? If you believe in Ba and Khu, does this become a reality? It all just
seems too good to be true.
Religion, to me, is just a primitive thing that millions of people still believe in around
the world. People back in ancient times saw a volcano erupt, and they assumed it was God on a bad day. And people believed that, of course, because what else was there to believe? How could they counter that statement by talking about molten rocks and gas pressure inside the earth? Now if
somebody tried to say that the same volcano erupted for the earlier reason, people would just
laugh their heads off at them.
And as for the afterlife...well, of COURSE somebody would want to believe that. They didn't want to pretend to deny the existence of that--they were so primitive, and so afraid of death, then what could hurt with a little belief in having somewhere else to go when you die?
Now maybe I'm just taking too much of this at face value--physical value, if you might--
and arguing that "Just because it's not there, it can't exist"...and there are a bunch of
people who insist that it's the opposite of those thoughts. They say that it doesn't have to
be there to exist. It's more of a spiritual, mental kind of reality--something certain people
understand and believe in, and certain people don't. But until I find something religious that really clicks with me in my life, I'm still going to be a non-believer.
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